Tuesday, August 18, 2015

So I've been really busy lately trying to get things ready for school and baby. I found some really good deals on diapers so I thought I would share. First off let me say I love, love, love CVS and their coupon friendliness. If anyone out there doesn't know anything about CVS and their great deals I suggest you look up how there system works at Southern Savers

Here is what  I got for $4.86

6 packs of diapers for $4.86!!!

I will show the receipts because I know it can be hard to imagine the great deal that  I scored and it'll be easier to explain with the pictures.

On Friday I had $10.00 worth of extracare bucks (ECB) that were burning a hole in my pocket so I looked up the CVS ad and saw that they had a deal on Huggies if you spent $30 you would get $10 in ECB so I looked up any printable coupons for Huggies I found one for $3 off  and one for $4 off of 2 packs. Since I knew that I would only be buying 3 packs of diapers that would equal $30 that is all I printed. Here is the math
$29.97 cost of diapers
-$7.00 in MFC          
-$10.00 in ECB             
=12.97 (no tax)           
they gave me $10 ECB for my next shopping trip which is like spending $2.97 on 3 packs of Huggies!

I checked the CVS ad for this week and they were having the same awesome deal on Pampers so I printed out 3 coupons for Pampers $2 off each and headed to CVS. I had the $10 ECB from Huggies and an additional $5 from 2 additional purchases I had made. So here's the math:

$29.97 for 3 packs of Pampers
-$6.00 in MFC
-$15.00 in ECB
=$8.97 + $2.92 in sales tax
Total spent $11.89 they gave me back $10 in ECB so it was like spending $1.89 for 3 packs of Pampers!!!

I was super excited about these deals so sorry if I was all over the place lol. Please feel free to share any questions you may have or any good deals you have found in the comments below!

Have a wonderful day!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Okay I'm going to try this blogging thing out...see if it helps me organize my thoughts, help me finish projects, and possibly make some new friends! A little about me, I am currently a member of the 29 for life club. I am happily married and a mommy to 2...soon to be 3!!! I love all things crafty/diy, love to cook, try new recipes, and try to make them as healthy as possible. I will try to update this weekly and hopefully I won't be talking to myself for to long lol.